Monday, August 26, 2013

Vocabulary #2

accoutrements:(Noun)Personal clothing, accessories, etc.
Many seniors add quirky accoutrements in their picture ID because it doesn't go into the yearbook.
apogee:(Noun)the highest or most distant point; climax.
Reaching the apogee of the mountain was a journey worth enduring.
apropos:(Adverb)Fitting; at the right time; to the purpose; opportunely
Lydia's proposing of seeing a movie to cheer her friend up seemed apropos to the occasion. 
bicker:(Verb)To engage in petulant or peevish argument; wrangle.

I'm surprised Tidus and Lindsay are still together, they always bicker about the little things.
coalesce:(Verb) To blend or come together.

The two lovers souls seemed to coalesce in their music as they spent many days and nights performing together.
contretemps:(Noun plural)An inopportune occurrence; an embarrassing mischance.

I seem to cause contretemps on a daily basis especially since I'm clumsy.
convolution:(Noun) A rolled up or coiled condition.

The snake was in a state of convolution and did not move for hours.
cull:(Verb) To choose;select; pick.

My friends have a hard time choosing an activity so I usually cull for them.
disparate:(Adjective) Distinct in kind; essentially different; dissimilar.

Her writing was very disparate compared to all the other contestants.
dogmatic: (Adjective) Asserting opinions in a doctrinaire or arrogant manner; opinionated.

My friend loves to argue but delivers his points in a dogmatic manner that tends to upset everyone.
licentious:(Adjective)Unrestrained by law or general morality; lawless; immoral.

Living a licentious life increases the risk of getting in trouble with the authorities.
mete:(Verb) To distribute or apportion by measure; allot; dole
Principals usually mete the punishments to students.
noxious:(Adjective) Harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being.

Participating in illegal activities can be noxious to friends and family.
polemic:(Noun) A controversial argument, as one against some opinion.

Socratic seminars are perfect for polemics because they help students critical think and understand different perspectives.
populous:(Adjective) Full of residents or inhabitants, as a region; heavily populated.

Cities near large universities are typically populous.
probity:(Noun) Integrity and uprightness; honesty.

Helena admitted to helping her friend cheat on her finals; a true act of probity.
repartee:(Noun) A quick, witty reply.

I love texting my friend Zack because he comes up with funny repartees.
supervene:(Verb) To take place or occur as something additional or extraneous (sometimes followed by on or upon).

Not only did we see Weezer but All Time Low made a supervene appearance!
truncate:(Verb) To shorten by cutting off a part; cut short.

Janor's speech was so explicit that Principal Marley had to truncate her speech.
unimpeachable:(Adjective) Impossible to discredit; impeccable.

Frederik's heroic act of kindness seemed unimpeachable in the eyes of adults.


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