Monday, August 19, 2013

Melody Monday #1

I've always been a sucker for music, whether it fits the mood or not. So when Dr. Preston handed out our CD's today, I could not have been any more than thrilled to share and express the type of music that I listen to. Personally, my music isn't everyone's cup of tea, but if I could interest the mind of one person, then my day would already be made (: To everyone who reads this, I'm going to start a weekly post about a certain song/artist/genre that I feel should be shared. Every monday is what I am hoping to aim for.

I've been known to have a mellow type of music taste, but I will literally listen to anything and everything. I mean, you never know what you're going to like until you experience it. So, to start off the weekly musical posts, I wanted to provide your ears with the lovely music of the Strokes. They're a band based from New York City and perform rock music. Here's their official site The song below is called You Only Live Once. The original Y.o.l.o. before this new generations concept of YOLO.

 Enjoy (:


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