Wednesday, January 8, 2014


1.) What you want to know before the course ends that you don't know now?
At the time, there were only a few questions I had in mind. But as the day went on the list just kept piling on. I've realized more than ever that this is the last semester out of 12 years that I will be in high school. A place where I've grown up with people since pre-pubescent times. As I'm aging I realize that I need to mature in order to maintain a healthy relationship with myself, peers, friends, family, and future co-workers and teachers. So the first questions that popped into my head were, How will I learn to cook and what is an efficient way to ask for money without sounding like you wouldn't return the favor? I'm going to college this year and I really do not want to live off top ramen and fast food. That is why one of my goals has been to live a healthier lifestyle by eating well and staying fit. I'm also trying to catch up on more sleep. The whole favor thing works for now because I'm trying to raise funds to go to Europe to visit my Foreign Exchange Friend's country (Slovakia) and I really want to go to Europe to practice and enhance my French. Continuing on, I want to know how I should be living my life when I leave high school? Like can you teach me the essentials of being an independent adult? (I mean I know I'm 18 now but come on I know there's several 18 year olds that still don't know anything about life.) I want to know how I can be more successful in my life without hurting others around me. I want to know how I can get a four on the AP english exams and hopefully all my other exams. I also want to develop a network that can help me with projects. A network of people. I also want to know how I can help with our english GAME. I really want to know what the next step would be.... this is not the end of my endless knowledge of questions but that is it for now.

2.) What skills do you want to demonstrate on your blog?
The skills I want to show from my blog is dedication, technology savvy, hard work, knowledge, creativeness, and just someone who wants to go out in the world and make a difference. I really wanted to use this blog or create another blog to display my skill in using technology such as cameras and video editing programs. I also wanted it to show my skill of being well rounded and knowledgable about the arts, such as music.

3.) What experiences do you want to get under your belt before you graduate?
Wow I'm in high school and I thought I've already had every experience a teenager could want and dread. Being semi-sarcastic in a way as I've traveled to countries at a young age (Uganda and Australia) and experiencing the infamous heartbreaks of boys (ugh). But really what do I want to experience? I want to experience feeling alive more. I want to experience actually being part of something BIG that i've co created or MADE. I want to collaborate with people and do something that makes NATIONAL NEWS. Maybe that's stretching it but hey you never know. I want to experience paddle boarding, surfing frequently, paddle boarding, and such. I want to hike Bishops Peak and experience a sunrise. I want to experience raising money for a personal trip that I PLANNED and I will go on. I want to experience going to Coachella or maybe even another concert like Zedd or One Direction (I know complete opposite sides of the spectrum. There are many many many things in life I want to experience. Which kinda brings to my big question does life happen by fate or chance. Will it be by chance I will do all these things, or is it by fate? I feel like fate is determined by one's choices. And I can choose to try and not fail at these or it'll be by chance that none of these things happen because I didn't take any action toward them to actually make "chance" happen. So I guess you can say that I want to experience Life before I graduate. Maybe even skydive. Or something wild.

So how does this all relate to this course and my education? Well like in Charles Bukowski's Laughing Heart poem, "Your life is your life, don't let it be clubbed into dank submission, the god's will offer you chances, know them take them" My education is my education and I will learn what I want to learn in order for me to be successful in living and not surviving life (those are two different things by the way.) All these things will help me be a better person in the future and help with college. For example cooking, and creating a network, maybe I will need help in a project during college that my network or blog will be put into use. Maybe that cooking class will save me alot of money. Maybe going to that concert will help me connect with other people to create more connections and collaborations. EVERYTHING IS ANYTHING WITH CONNECTIONS. With good study habits, I'm bound to be on the path for success. And reading will make you a little more knowledgable and sexier. So Goodnight.


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